I, your exchequer, come to you with requests.
Officers I need your budget request ASAP or a budget will be chosen for you!
If you have check requests I need those by December 10th, 2017. So I can write all checks and get them to you and have them cashed before Dec 25th, 2017. I would like to have all checks in and taken care of ASAP. This way nothing carries over into the new year.
I will not be writing any checks at the Dec meeting. I need all requests sent to me, and I will mail you the check after myself and the Senachal sign them. Because of how late the December meeting is.
If you have a Baronial Check you have not cashed. PLEASE DO SO ASAP!
By doing so this enables myself and my deputy to complete the End of Year financial report in a timely and effective manner.
Please email me at BAOexchequer@gmail.com
Lady Kira Mikkeldotter
Exchequer Blatha an Oir