From the Exchequer:
It has come to my attention that our inventory list is not up to date.
In order to create a full inventory list I need to know what our populace has in their care.
For example, I keep in my care. 2 boxes of Baronial Files, The Wooden Decorated Gate Box, a Laptop, and the Regalia Cheque Book.
A copy of the file can be found here.
If you have Baronial Property in your care please get this filled out and back to me by the February business meeting. February 23rd.
No matter HOW SMALL the item is. If you aren’t sure please ask.
Copies will be made available at the January business meeting.
If you would like to bring a printed list of the items in your care I can just attach it the form.
Please email me form with info to
Thank you for your time.
Lady Kira Mikkeldotter
Exchequer Blatha an Oir